Super Flower Blood Moon, 5/26/21

Zodiacway Flower Blood Moon 052621 site.png

As befits this strange new decade of pandemic, political, and police violence, the first Lunar Eclipse of the decade will drench Earth’s faithful companion in deep crimson on May 26th.

If you rouse yourself from sleep at 4:14 AM Pacific Time (unless the sky is full of clouds— highly unlikely here in LA, yet our local sky was indeed shrouded) you’ll see the Super Flower Blood Moon eclipsing itself in full glory.

The beginning of this year was full of momentum, both fortuitous and fatal, as all of humanity pled for relief from the imprisonment of our modern day plague. I know of no one who previously expected we’d be so easily overpowered by a disease onslaught of the kind we thought was banished forever from modern life.

Yet we shifted from stalemate to momentum after January13th, since all the planets were direct through April 27th, when Pluto went Retrograde.

Mercury was Retrograde for a few weeks at the end of January, but Pluto was running the table in a “speedy calm” way, lulling many into thinking they could willfully bury their memories of 2020, whether lies or truths, and just keep power-walking straight ahead.

Pluto is such a slow-moving planet, nearly invisible at the edge of our Solar System, that it’s easy to forget how implacable, unrelenting, and even inevitable it is as a force for deep change. It’s in no rush, because it knows even subtle or slow transformation always overtakes change.

Pluto is teaching us (trying to, anyway) to trust the rhythms of transformation more than the ebbs and flows of mere change. We humans have not mastered this. Will we ever? Do we have what it takes?

Mercury is about to go Retrograde again on May 29th, this time in Gemini. There will be a lot of talk— much of it far from cordial as Saturn and Pluto will egg Mercury on from their own Retrograde front row seats. Fair warning: mind your tongue!

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But for now, let’s get back to our Super Flower Blood Moon.

It’s very close to Earth (a perigee) appearing larger then usual, hence “Super.” We tend to pay more attention to bigger-looking moons.

This one is happening at 5° 26’ in Sagittarius, so guess what?

The Cosmic Supreme Court Justice will be ushered quietly, pre-dawn, into the courtroom of this Eclipse. And we should all know by now in such a lofty courtroom, that it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!

The Red Energy of our Flower Blood Moon is not inherently violent. We need our own Root Chakra (symbolized from ancient times as the color red) to fuel and balance our body.

We need to learn how to use Red Energy for the highest good of all concerned, to benefit everyone. Will we ever? Do we have what it takes?

Consider the beauty of roses… many of the blood red ones are hypnotically fragrant, yet their delicacy is surrounded and protected by thorns. The thorns warn us to take care, lest we gluttonously grab or steal, but instead destroy them while wounding ourselves.

When we patiently nurture and cultivate roses, they reward us with Mother Nature’s bounty.

Sagittarius reminds us that the law (cosmic and earthly) metes out consequences— both rewards and retribution. Some people will be rewarded or redeemed by Justice, as they reap what may have been a long time coming. Others will be required to pay debts to society in the aftermath of this Eclipse.

There won’t be another Total Lunar Eclipse until next year, in May of 2022, so this cycle will take its time. It may look like bad deed-doers will escape responsibility for a bit longer. But as mentioned, Saturn and Pluto are in Retrograde Slo-Mo right now, so patience is essential.

The Cosmos has not lost its balance, whatever humanity may think.

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Super P.S.

Mere hours after this Total Lunar Eclipse, major reverberations are already being felt on the world’s stage.

A. Big Oil suffered three major losses of political power and “we do whatever we want ” autonomy in major arenas:

  1. In what’s being called a landmark Hague court ruling in the Netherlands, Royal Dutch Shell, the largest of its kind in the world beyond China, is now required to cut emissions by 45% in the next 9 years.

  2. Chevron, (the #2 U.S. oil company) had a shareholders’ meeting in which 61% voted to force the company to cut key emissions and drastically reduce its carbon footprint.

  3. Exxon Mobil (the largest of its kind in the U.S.) had a shareholder meeting today , unseated two board members ,and replaced them with climate activists. As the counting continues, up to two more may be elected as well.

    MSNBC News Report

B. Death at Dawn in San Jose California:

  1. Yet another grisly mass shooting was perpetrated shortly after dawn, with one employee killing 8 other employees at the Valley Transit Authority (VTA) on the very morning they were setting up for a day of celebration related to the lifting of some pandemic restrictions. After his killing spree, the shooter shot and killed himself.

  2. After lowering White House Flags in mourning for those murdered, President Joe Biden issued a statement capped by one emphatic word ”Enough,” much-quoted in the day’s ensuing media. What he also said is that Congress must now heed the majority call from the American people to end what he’s labeled an epidemic of gun violence. The usual chorus of naysayers “It’s too soon to talk about this!” were silent, at least so far.

    NBC News article

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More info on the Eclipse:

ABC News story on this eclipse.

NASA primer on Eclipses.

Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Perosnal Transformation, by Celeste Teal

Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.

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