Mercury’s Ready to Roll Again. 6/22/21

Mercury SD Zodiacway Jun 22 2021.png

Mercury got stuck between two headline-grabbing eclipses that shunted it offstage between May 29th and June 22. We barely noticed when it went retrograde with everything else that started on 5/26. It caught us though, as mischievous as ever. Today it turned direct (SD) at 3 PM PDT after driving pointlessly in circles and giving anyone it could technology fits aplenty. Remember this month’s Bitcoin craziness? From Elon Musk offhandedly tanking its value to the FBI grabbing back millions in ransom from hacker cyberthieves, it was a doozy.

Mercury rules Gemini, a mutable sign, so it was possible to keep moving during this particular Retrograde (Rx), exhausting as it may have been. This sign placement requires you to keep your wits about you, while also keeping a close eye on your money, lest it disappear, and getting as much rest as you can to prevent illness from overtaking you. If you lost track of any such matters, you’ll now have some clean-up to do, but Mercury going direct will give you a lift (neat-o car, eh?) and help you refocus.

Bits of progress on any issue you’ve been working on unravel surprisingly fast if you let your attention wander. Gemini grants us the fun of youthful perspective, which is energizing. Yet sometimes it’s like a perennial two-year old who keeps asking “why?” over and over about the same dang thing. Oddly, “bad twin” Geminis (thieves and petty criminals) seem to like its quicksilver nature, so they tend to frolic as if they’ve not a care in the world during such a Retrograde.

Add to that the intensity of the Super Flower Blood Moon and the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse and it’s no wonder we’re all in need of a restorative nap even as Summer begins (early this year on 6/20) and we just want to play. Eclipses steal mainstream news headlines for a couple of days, but then they’re old news in media-land. However, their influence and consequences tend to play out over 6 months, so we’re in for some major shifts, currently biding their time while building strength.

The usual shell games are in progress on the world’s stage, which makes them easier to see than in our own private lives. But people who have jettisoned such principles as honesty and honorable ethics will be in for some rude surprises down the line.

Just when varmints think they’re invincible, as lazy Summer energy encourages them to let down their guard, the Lunar Eclipse Sagittarius energy (wise teacher) and the Solar Eclipse Gemini energy (precocious student) will reemerge to manifest more fully, claiming their 180° oppositional forcefield, to trap culprits between them with no way out. Now that Mercury is Direct, it can team up with the Eclipses by reclaiming its “good twin” healing, educational, communications, and positive commercial power, to begin helping us sort out the messes that ne’er-do-wells hide behind.

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More info on Eclipses and Mercurial Mythology:

Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation, by Celeste Teal

Article: Mercury, a witty and wily deity

Article: Hermes, Messenger of the Gods

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P.S. #1

Less than two days after Mercury went direct, with the Gemini Sagittarius forcefield described above in action, the world’s stage gave us a quick example of just how swiftly renegades can now be corralled.

Gemini native Rudy Giuliani is nothing if not wildly wordy whenever a microphone presents itself (Gemini shadow), exaggerating his ability/authority to produce results on a grandiose scale (Sagittarius shadow) and blustering his way through any argument he cares to entertain. Well, it took this cosmic duo to stop him. New York, his old stomping grounds, has just revoked Rudy’s law license, amid serious grounds. Can he talk his way out of this? Watch for a likely outcome involving law, foreigners, bellicosity, and judicial authority with Sagittarian ruler Jupiter’s 9th house secret weapons engaged.

Giuliani’s law license suspended. NYT report.

P.S. #2

Why Mercury matters.

It may be small and fast, which can seem inconsequential compared to other bigger planets and themes. But it oversees daily life in all its tiny detail, from early education to the one-to-one activities of any close community. Retrogrades help us uncover what needs attention before festering events surface to bite us. Unfortunately we often ignore lesser warning signals until hidden events or new tragedies shock us.

Two of the them are dominating news stories now that Mercury has gone Direct, so they cannot be ignored. One double horror surfaced during the Retrograde in Canada, and one happened just after it in Miami, as if out of the blue. Yet neither were without cause, and both could have been prevented.

Canada’s residential schools with mass unmarked graves dating from the 19th century.

Engineer found major structural damage 3 years before Miami condo collapse.

When Mercury (the messenger) grants you a warning, please pay attention! And if you don’t understand the message, research or investigate it for what needs correction. The lives you may save matter, including what could be your own.

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Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.

Mercury’s Rolling Us Downhill 5/10/22


Super Flower Blood Moon, 5/26/21