What System of Astrology do you use?
Western Astrology
Tropical Zodiac Placidus House System
What is needed to construct a natal chart?
Date of Birth Time of Birth (A.M. or P.M., to the minute) Place of Birth (City or Town and Country)
Will my mother's memory of when I was born work?
While it is helpful, often this memory will be based on the start of labor, and may only serve as an approximate time.
It is not uncommon for this estimate to be off by 2 or more hours, which impacts the accuracy of the rising sign and house placements of a chart. It is best to confirm with a birth certificate.
Where can I get a copy of my birth certificate?
Town or City Clerk's Office Hospital Records Adoption Agencies if that applies. Parents often have a copy.
If exact times are not available, but the date and place is known, we can use an AM or PM chart to focus on the key dynamics that are available to understand and correlate to each other,