Happy New Year 2021
Our good friends the Capricorn Sun and Libra Rising are back as always for this midnight event. We’ve calculated this chart for Los Angeles, yet it will look very much same everywhere since we have these conveniences called time zones across the globe. This gives us two reliably consistent reasons why New Year’s Midnight Toasts are always so upbeat: the Sun and Rising signs are always Cardinal Signs, spurring optimism and a belief n the value of balance (Libra) and a desire for making action-oriented, “good for us” resolutions (Capricorn).
Yet we always wonder, what will be different about this year? What’s its energetic DNA? Is there a theme that we can meditate upon? Look to the Moon for our first clue. To kick off 2021, the Moon is in Leo, so Fixed Fire is at hand. All eyes on Leo, no quiet retiring “wait and see” from the Lion of the Zodiac. Nope, Leo’s come roaring in, decreeing that 2020 leave the stage immediately. It’s in the 10th house, sharing Capricorn’s usual domain, and expects us all to pay attention to whatever it wants us to know.
Meanwhile, let’s tackle the big (outer) slow moving planets and convergences first. On the opposite side of the wheel from the Moon, in the 4th house, there’s a big confab between Jupiter (Opportunity) and Saturn (Responsibility), resting from their applause-laden once-in-400-or-800-years conjunction on December 21st, as they celebrate their entry in Aquarius, where they expect to turn the establishment upside down. Pluto’s hanging out with them and is totally fine with that idea. Pluto’s taking its sweet slow time finishing up in Capricorn with pot-stirring changes of its own on the world stage. “Luddites” are doing their utmost to hang to autocratic control, but good luck with that losing proposition over the next few years. Tiny speedy Mercury’s racing by in Capricorn for the moment, to spread the word quickly, in an “Extra, Extra, Read All About It” newsboy kinda way, as it always does. Another big pot stirrer, Uranus in Taurus, is in the 7th house, laid back in retrograde and “Biden” its time for little bit, sprinkled with good vibes from the Part of Fortune in Taurus, happy to watch the fireworks without having to lift a finger for now. Our last big planet, Neptune, is floating lazily in its own sign of Pisces, though in the 6th house we’re all left cleaning up after it, with pul-lenty of tasky-taskwork (deluged in paperwork or routine responsibilities, anyone?) to do while it lounges.
Fast moving Venus (in Sagittarius) and Mars (in Aries) are hanging out in fire, amplifying the Moon’s fire message in the 3rd and 7th houses respectively, determined to chat up friends and loved ones no matter the social distancing restrictions in place. These two planets are A-ok with all the new-fangled Zooming and streaming technology many people thought they’d never need to use. And, nope, it’s not a phase that will disappear in a poof, no matter how/when the pandemic morphs to its next stages.
My final note on this New Year’s Chart is to consider the Nodes. Venus in Sagittarius has sidled up to the South Node in Sagittarius, trying to seduce us to go backward to tried-and-true/habitual ways of connecting, thinking, and yes, expressing sentiments of love. But good luck with that, because the North Node in Gemini, which represents our future potential, is soaring and exploring in the 9th house, and wants what’s new, now, and novel. The 9th house sets our minds upon big ideas and philosophy, long distance travel (tangible or virtual), foreigners and adventure, higher education and publishing, and law and ethics. That’s an overflowing treasury of opportunity for those who are up for growth in life.
The energy present in this chart will morph and move at different speeds and rhythms as 2021 unfolds. What will we collectively do here on planet Earth? And what will you make of it, personally? We’ll find out together!