Aquarius Stellium Jan 8-11, 2021

Mercury Jupiter Saturn Stellium 010921.png

The siren song of the long-fantasized Aquarian Age continues to tease us with hide-and-seek games we cannot simply ignore, since the musical theme from “Hair” got stuck forever in our heads in 1967. Yes, way back in 1967!

Yet here we go with another zingy sip from the energy-bearer’s cup January 8 thru 11, 2021. Saturn jumped into Aquarius on December 18th (for a bit more than 2 years after a 26 year absence) followed by Jupiter on December 20th (for about a year after its 12 year absence) and we all know how upended reality has become after their giant conjunction on December 21st.

Now here comes tiny Mercury, stirring things up on a day-to-day personal level as it speeds though Aquarius, dallying just long enough to entertain and/or shock us with a Stellium: 3 planets in close degrees of the same sign. This configuration is mildly rare—last time was May 2000 in the opposite sign of Taurus. This winter’s treat, thanks to February’s Mercury Retrograde, will be a second close encounter with this Aquarian Stellium 3-way around February 13th.

What to do? What to think? What will this bring our way?

Since Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the Maven of Innovation, Invention, and the Unexpected, we won’t know for sure until it’s upon us. Planning won’t be completely impossible, but flexibility will be absolutely necessary.

The revolution is already being televised, contrary to the old adage, so stay tuned. That won’t be too hard to do, as we’re mostly at home already, captives of electronic media, in this Covid Era.

Those resisting change are in for the bumpier of rides. Those open to exploration, not knowing-it-all, and new creativity, will discover refreshing waves of energy beckoning us toward new solutions to old obstacles.

Like any major planetary aspect, challenging or supportive, we often see the biggest evidence of its presence after it becomes exact, when it moves from potential to kinetic energy.

This one will pulse with new ideas wanting to land suddenly inside our heads, with mysteriously jazzy flourishes or smokin’ originality, inviting you to dance. No experience required. Your energetic DNA has what it takes.

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Science takes:

CBS News Report

Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.

Uranus SD, ready or not 1/14/21


Happy New Year 2021