Total Solar Eclipse Dec 14, 2020

Solar Eclipse Dec 14 2020 zodiacway blog.png

Dateline: December 14, 2020. The week starts fancy, as the Sun and Moon converge in our skies. (With more to come on 12/21!)

So glad we don’t live in the days when such an apparition invoked visceral fear in people living in its visible path.

Instead, you can bask in today's Sagittarian Solar Eclipse festival, as Sun and Moon dance with these energies: wisdom teachings, lofty idealism, ethics, expansiveness, bravery, philosophy, optimism and adventure.

Aspiring to the higher expressions of these qualities is our human challenge in these times of deep-seated resistance to growth and generosity of spirit. Yes, the resistance is insistent, especially notable in democracies struggling to keep themselves coherent.

On the personal level, it’s time to release what’s diminishing our life force, and welcome new growth that cannot be ignored as the energies of health become more insistent, despite strangely warped notions encroaching upon our consciousness.

May we rise gracefully as we absorb today's cosmic access to committing to elevate our planet's future.

. . .

Link to watch or recap this eclipse:

NASA’s eclipse update’s watch

Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.

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