Pluto’s Aquarian Preview 2023

Do good things come in small packages? Just ask that infamous planet lurking at the edge of our solar system: Pluto.

Pluto takes 248 “earth” years to orbit our sun while traveling on a highly elliptical path. One of the purposes of parsing and tracking constellations in our skies from ancient times has been to chart the pathways and orbits of all our neighboring planets (planets means wanderers) and what they can teach us about how to shape our future. We humans are nothing if not curious about how the universe works, and what that allows us to be, do, and have.

Pluto, discovered in 1930, was given rulership over the sign of Scorpio, by those who study metaphysics. Scorpio had previously been consider ruled by Mars. Oddly, Pluto travels though the sign of Scorpio at its fastest pace, in only 13 years, while spending a super slow 30 years in the opposite sign of Taurus. The other signs vary in a calculable way within those extremes. Pluto’s been in Capricorn since 2008, and we went from 6.8 billion people to 8 billion people on the planet in that time.

Pluto is so mysterious to us human observers that it often lately finds itself demoted from planet status to “cometoid” or some other such unclear designation. Then it creeps back onto center stage at its usual snail’s pace, commanding more scientific respect, and we try once again to fathom its real influence on our planet and local solar system’s neighborhood.

Now, for the first time since we discovered its existence, it’s entered Aquarius, where it will hold sway though early 2043 once it settles in for the long haul.

Pay attention to its previews of coming attractions, which began just a short time ago, on March 23, 2023.

Pluto is a “transpersonal planet”meaning that it, along with the other outer planets (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) of our solar system require us to look at the bigger picture, to stretch and grow beyond the limits of our personal egos.

Pluto goes direct and retrograde (apparent motion from our earthly perspective) a few times or more each year but never moves much more than a net of 3 degrees  forward each year. This is one reason why Pluto has a reputation for introducing  the energy of inevitability and intensity in its wake. It reminds us (usually through various global disasters big enough to get us to expand our view of life) that cosmic patterns cannot be controlled by mere human mental trickery.

Our first preview of the Aquarian energy Pluto will bring to Earth has been going strong, with some long-hidden secrets being forced into the open. But its movement will slow and pause when it goes retrograde on May 1st, dipping back into Capricorn for one or two more stern change-of-direction reminders through the latter part of 2023. It will then move forward to stay within Aquarius by November 20, 2024 for 19 years.

We won’t be able to answer the question of whether good things come in small planetary packages until we see how humanity as a whole responds to this variety of Plutonian energy.

People have a bad habit and long history of making rather a mess of global issues— fighting rather than cooperating— which we’ve seen escalate in the past few years as Pluto in Capricorn tempted/tortured us with a nasty resurgence of authoritarianism. Yet that is not the be-all-end-all of Pluto’s influence. We’ll need to stay tuned and see whether the Aquarian sparks of inventiveness, goodwill, technology, and intuition can be harnessed to turn us around before we exhaust ourselves and our earthly home in our willfulness and worse.

I believe we can do it. Yet it’s going to require active, not passive, efforts to revive the principles of respect and integrity; not only for other people, but for all forms of life on this planet. We’ll need to heed Pluto’s invitation to transform our species and ask for help from each other to use the gifts and raw material of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes to make a a new earthly renaissance possible. Let’s do it!

— Love, Diane

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Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.

Blood Moon Eclipse 5/15/22